How I made Hulkbuster from scratch
This was where I was at when I made my simple Iron Man amigurumi (I wouldn’t say 1st one, because there was a iteration before this). While I was aiming for the following image - the Hulkbuster. So I set about making this upsized Iron Man with many rounds of trial and error.
8 Tips to Handling Black Yarn
Always avoided using dark colours in your yarn? Or worse still, just avoided black yarn altogether? We have all been there. I do use a lot of black yarn nonetheless, like the time I made Kylo Ren or Black Panther (c’mon how not to use black). So these are my top 8 tips to embracing black yarn into your crochet project!
Making Quinjet - Part 2
If you have not checked out the 1st part yet - go check out the previous post. We last left off with the top part of the Quinjet done. Now we will proceed with the bottom half as well as the rest of the detailing on the quinjet.
Making Quinjet - Part 1
This is one of my longer projects but I just had to make it… after all what is the Avengers without their stylish Quinjet? This was also hot on the heels of the Razor Crest I did for Mandalorian part 1 and part 2 and that was too much fun too!
5 simple ways to turn small Amigurumi into gifts this Holiday season
Ever dabbled with the idea of making an Amigurumi for a loved one or a friend this Xmas? Not only that, you would like to make something ‘useful’ for once? Here are some ideas I have come up with… and they mostly apply to smaller Amigurumi, because that’s my specialty 😅😅.
Free Iron Man crochet tutorial
Try your hand at making this mini Iron Man, with a switch up to making mixed coloured bobble stitches. This is a step-up from my previous free Hulk pattern. We all have to start from somewhere and I’m not proud to say my oldest iron man was very ugly. It got a little better… at the end, I’ll even show you my latest Hulkbuster!
Using craft wire to make a mini bow
I often use craft wires to add detailing to amigurumi, in many different ways. This time, I decided to use it to make a bow for Hawkeye. It’s really quite easy, only requiring the following 5 steps:
Making the Basic Crochet Cords in Loki
Mastering how to make the basic crochet cord makes for a useful skill in making amigurumi. In this particular case, I used that technique to make Loki’s horned helmet as well as his embellishments on his clothes. Read on to see how to make a basic crochet cord.
How to Crochet a Mini Hulk in less than an hour
This version of Hulk is one of my oldest and most basic Amigurumi. All other details and additions are built upon this skeleton. It does not get any more primitive than this. It’s really simple and if you know all the basic crochet stitches, it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to finish it!
Making AT-ST - Part 2
Don’t forget to check out the post before this, which is making AT-ST part 1. I had left off having completed the top, front and sides of the control cabin. The bottom piece I have also subsequently added on, which is black in colour to seal the whole box up.
Making AT-ST - Part 1
This time I decided to take on making the AT-ST. Or the long form is ‘All Terrain Scout Transport’. I have a caveat though, the final piece I made looks more like a fallen AT-ST. Read on to see what I mean.
Adding rhinestones and craft wire to amigurumi
Making Kuiil is basically like making a monkey, I think 😂. I added some monkey features to the cheeks, to the chin, some nostrils and an grumpy demeanor. And you’ve got a basic Kuiil. That’s where the fun part comes in, when start incorporating ingredients apart from just yarn.
Making Razor Crest - Part 2
Don’t forget to catch the previous post on making Razor Crest - part 1 before reading this. That post concluded with the basic skeleton of the Razor Crest.
Making Razor Crest - Part 1
This is a 2-part post on how I made the Razor Crest, which mainly showcases the basic components of the ship as well as how I had to do some trial and error to get the final amigurumi.
Making hdc bobble stitch on a chain
I have tried figuring out for a long time how to make a bobble stitch extend outwards. If you have seen my previous post on making bobble stitches as amigurumi limbs, then you know that I prefer to make the limbs as part of a continuous stitch from the main body, because c’mon, who likes sewing? ;)