Making Quinjet - Part 1

This is one of my longer projects but I just had to make it… after all what is the Avengers without their stylish Quinjet? This was also hot on the heels of the Razor Crest I did for Mandalorian part 1 and part 2 and that was too much fun too! 

For this I made the Quinjet version in Infinity wars with the electric blue and orange parts. You can always switch it up to the classic dark grey one or the Ultron white one (pretty sweet too), with just simple changes in colours of yarn you use. 


Quinjet parts

1) Main body - base, ceiling, wings

2) Cockpit

3) Cargo hold

4) Jet engines

5) Detailing

Start with Main body 

I referred back to the old Razor Crest pattern I had and made some tweaks. The front part of the Quinjet was sharp rather than curved so I had to do some experimenting first. As you can see, after some iterations of trial and error (sometimes tip too sharp, too long, too stout), I came up with a basic skeleton first. 


Main body base and ceiling

I added on the wings at the side, on both sides. This time I added an extended part of wings which folds downwards like how it does in Avengers (or Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D too :). The front of the ship is the sharp end and the back of the ship the blunt end. 


The main body base is dark grey, and the main body ceiling is electric blue. As you will see later on, most of the detailing is made on the electric blue covering of the ship. 


Main body wings

These few shots are of me trying out various ways to do the detailing for the electric blue main body covering. I tried surface slip stitching directly on the wings but felt it did not turn out uniform enough, so I decided to integrate the black strips into the wing itself. I even sewed the extended part of wings which are supposed to fold downwards… in the wrong directions LOL! That was pretty exasperating, I had to frog the whole wing and redo it haha. 


Opposing base and ceiling

So we move onto sewing the 2 pieces together, using whipstitch (check out my free ebook here if you are not sure what that is), such that the electric blue piece is above the dark grey piece. Sew down all along the edges. Tip: If the dark grey piece is slightly smaller than the electric blue one, the wings will fold downwards. Otherwise, you can insert a wire inside to make it bendable. 


Stuffing inside Main body

I added stuffing inside the latter 2/3 of the body, i.e. the front sharp part is flat. The front part remains flat because I have to add on the cockpit later, while the posterior part of the quinjet should be propped up. See the following pictures for what I mean: 



Making the cockpit is where you start adding on the orange windows.This is to be placed on the main body later on once it is completed. 


Stuffing below Cockpit

Similarly, I added stuffing just below the cockpit, which is placed on top of the flat sharp anterior edge of the main body. The second half of the cockpit should lie flat against the posterior part of main body with no stuffing. Then sew it all down along the midline of the quinjet. 


Halfway there!

Ta-da, we are halfway there and it’s starting to take form. Even when I reached this part, my little one can tell me ‘mummy’s it’s a blue aeroplane’. Awesome when even your toddler can decipher what you are crocheting even before it is done! Look out for the 2nd part for the final Quinjet!


Fast forward to the end if you want to try this Quinjet pattern below for yourself over here. Remember to pair it with the little avengers you make as well!


Making Quinjet - Part 2


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