Oombawka Design Crochet Feature with Free Pattern!


Guys I’m so excited to show my upcoming latest collection… this is just a sneak peek showcasing Tiger Lily! See all about her back story here about how she was inspired and why I decided to start designing my very own amigurumi collections. She is a small part of my latest Teepee Animal babies collection which I will be releasing very soon!


Tiger Lily’s main body

She is worked up in 2 components, starting off with the main body first. I did decide to make her suit around her body so there is less assembly work at the end. The suit however, is not detachable from the body, that was not the intention! Her main body is made from the 9 techniques I showcased in my ‘Making Basic Amigurumi Bodies’ ebook here. It is the 7th body in the image below, my favourite standing technique!

This is her with the hair colour already on the head with the wig cap attached separately on top. I did this before adding on the tiger suit later on. The arms are worked continuously so there is no separate attachment, I use this sometimes when I’m lazy to add on additional attachments. The legs are crocheted continuously as well.

Tiger Lily’s suit

After finishing the wig cap, I added on the hood around the head and then it extended downwards onto the body suit. It subsequently wraps around the body and the legs lower down as well. It was fun seeing it all come together at the end! Add some tiger detailing here and there and voila, I had Tiger Lily! Which was supposed to look like my daughter in her pyjamas haha!


I decided to release her full pattern as a free pattern on Oombawka Design Crochet as a guest post, so exciting! Rhondda is amazing and I’m so grateful to her for showcasing this humble pattern on her blog! I did use a fair amount of new techniques, some of which are available on my ‘Making Basic Amigurumi Bodies’ ebook here.

If she looks familiar, it is because she is the pattern I released in Crochet Now Magazine back in February this year!

A lot of the techniques used to make her body and her bodysuit are similar to the rest of the Teepee Animal Babies set I’ll be releasing soon, but I incorporated so many other different hairstyles, animal suits, colours and a little tent to house them all! I can’t wait to show you guys so do stick around!

In the meantime, go head over to Rhondda’s blog to check out the free pattern for Tiger Lily!


Looking for Pattern Testers! (Fall Version)


Free Printable Tent Cut-Out!