My First Craft Fair at Singapore Comic Con!

So it’s not all fun and games when you are selling at Artist Alley. To be honest, now that I reflect back… it may be my first and last ‘craft market’. Not that it wasn’t an interesting experience, but I think people don’t give crafters enough credit for the work they put in, especially at craft fairs.

So this is my 2 cents worth from that experience:

1) Pre-day prep

I had decided beforehand hanging up all my Yarnlings for easy browsing and a good visual experience was crucial so I strung them up (thanks mummy for the help!) individually.


2) Exhibitor pack

STGCC (or now named Singapore Comic Con) is different from other craft fairs, as there was an exhibitor pack to pick up before the event. It has the usual tag and some discounted tickets inside.


3) Set-up

Firstly, finding the place on the day itself at MBS with a huge plastic box and a push trolley (with poor signages) was pretty unexpected. Hello to the experienced exhibitors who all went with luggages on wheels. Note to self if I’m ever going to do this again.


When it was all set up!

4) Exploring the rest of the Con

To be honest, it was not completely dazzling. There weren’t any very interesting exhibits that really stood out as compared to previous years.


5) Response

This was pretty cool. I had a shout-out from channelnewsasia. Wished my photography was better back then… actually still wish my photography skills were better by now. Go check out under about me

6) Meanwhile…

This was definitely behind the scenes. Kudos to my mum and sis for helping me out with the store. Also super kudos to my MIL for looking after this little one while I was out gallivanting.


7) Compared to previously

If you ask me, STGCC 2017 was a lot better than 2018, possibly because of the awesome Star Wars section featuring a ‘set’ to take photos at. I still remember I was pregnant and nauseous at that time 😂!


Was STGCC 2018 better than 2017?


So that’s a wrap. I decided not to go ahead with Singapore Comic Con in 2019 largely because it didn’t make much financial sense (I just broke even doing the booth in 2018, mostly because the cost of the booth was not cheap!!) - but the experience was a blast.

Meeting individuals personally who appreciated my art was pretty priceless though and amazing. I still remember my jaw dropping when one girl asked me do you sell your Last Avatar as a set? 🤯 So here’s to NOT saying never again.

And now… to go visit Singapore Comic Con in 2019 as a fan, and not a boother!


TNG Rank Pips and Pin detailing


Making a Batarang... out of yarn