Huipei Zhang Huipei Zhang

12 Effortless Ways on How to Make A Crochet Pattern Larger

Do you want to create a larger version of your favourite amigurumi character? Or just a larger version of your crochet project in general? Luckily, there are several ways to make your crochet or amigurumi pattern bigger without having to start from scratch. You can try exploring changes in your crochet equipment or if you are more adventurous, modifying the crochet pattern to make it larger!

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crochet equipment Huipei Zhang crochet equipment Huipei Zhang

Crochet Amigurumi with Chunky Yarn (how different from DK yarn) - 8 Useful Tips!

Starting off crocheting amigurumi with DK yarn is probably the commonest and easiest way for beginners to start. If you have seen those beautiful big huggable plushies, you must be wondering whether that ball of chunky yarn is worth it, am I right? Here I break down the many differences between DK and chunky yarn and why it might be worth it to just give it a try!

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Huipei Zhang Huipei Zhang

20 surefire ways to Crochet Amigurumi that are Toddler Safe

Always wondered whether the toy you made yourself is safe enough for child consumption - or specifically toddler consumption? Amigurumi are oftentimes made by crocheters to be gifted to children, whether for daughters or sons, nieces or nephews, or for grandchildren.

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Huipei Zhang Huipei Zhang

7 Useful Ways on How to Make Amigurumi Neater?

Whether you are a crocheter just starting out with amigurumi or a seasoned amigurumi crocheter, you must be wondering how to make my amigurumi neater or how can I make my amigurumi better? Or on the flip side, perhaps you wonder why is my amigurumi uneven? 

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Huipei Zhang Huipei Zhang

5 ways to find Time to Crochet this year when you have a Toddler!

If you are like me and always trying to squeeze in time to crochet but you have little ones toddling around, then it can sometimes be a challenge to pick up the hook. The wonderful thing about crocheting is that it is very portable, of course this depends on the number of colours you choose to use in your final crochet projects.

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Huipei Zhang Huipei Zhang

9 ways I recycle into my Amigurumis

This time I wanted to show something slightly different. In the spirit of recycling, which as you will come to see, occurs more frequently in my next few collections. These are 9 different ways I have managed to use random household things and incorporate them into my amigurumi! Perhaps you can try some of them, after all they were going to be thrown away!

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